Booking and check in Nizhnevartovsk
To book an apartment you can choose one of the following payment methods listed below:
- 1. Cash, you should contact us in any convenient for you way displayed on the website.
- 2. Credit card

3. ATM transfer to Alfa-Bank account: 408 178 106 046 500 746 88; Bank ID Code: 044 525 593. Transfer to Yandex money (account 4100 117 846 3838 7 or email Attention please: this paragraph is only for individual payments.
- 4. Bank transfers only for corporate to Alfa-Bank account: 408 028 104 383 4 0000 174
To issue an invoice you can contact manager by phone: +7 (3466) 546-146, make a query, order callback
- 5. Please be aware that you can send us your tickets’ copies with indicated arrival dates to Samara. In this case you don’t need to make prepayment. We can book you an apartment on the base of provided tickets.
Also you can order transfer from airport/railway station.
- There are only business class cars in our park
- Volkswagen Passat СС 500 rub per 1 hr.
- Lexus 450h 1000 rub per 1 hr.
- Lexus 460 1000 rub per 1 hr.
Please find out more about staying in our apartments in Nizhnevartovsk:
To make check-in in apartment you need:
- Show passport to make the contract;
- Make full payment;
- Leave a deposit which is 50% of daily rate that will be refunded on a departure date.
Check out time is 12:00 local time.
! Deposit will be returned on the departure date in case of property’s full safety, keys’ passing and without tobacco smoke in apartment.
Upon check in the following documents are completing:
- Rental contract;
- Sale’s receipt;
- Document where the company’s name, dates and accommodation costs are indicated.